Chanukah Family Party & Carnival!
Where Everyone will have a ball!


5-8 pm, Party Room Open with:
Buffet Dinner
Hot Latkes & Donuts
Chanukah Arts & Crafts
Chanukah Carnival Games
Raffle & Prizes!

5:00 – 6:30
Bowling & Dreidel Games
(while U wait your turn!)

Bowling Pin Menorah Lighting with Festive Music & Songs!

Special Guest:
Town of Chester Supervisor
Mr. William Tully

6:45 – Special Feature
Loony Balloony Clown Show


Tuesday, Dec. 19, 5-8 pm

Colonial Lanes
78 Brookside Ave., Chester


Please RSVP 782-2770 / [email protected]

Cost:   $10 bowler /  $8 non-bowler / $180 Sponsor