Following are some dedication opportunities which you can dedicate in honor or in memory
of a loved one, while helping Chabad with it's High Holiday programs
General Donation Services are free of charge, but donations are welcome Please consider joining the Chai Club by making your donation recurring monthly. We express our deep gratitude to all our current Chai Club partners! Sponsorship Levels: Security Sponsor: $2,000 To donate, please click here
High Holiday Sponsors:
Security Donations: |
High Holiday Meals & Kiddush Full and partial sponsorships welcome! Sponsors: |
Rosh Hashanah Snacks Sponsors:
Youth Programs Sponsor Sponsors:
Machzor (Prayer Book) You can dedicate a Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur Machzor (prayer book) in honor or in memory of a loved one. Each Machzor will have a printed sticker with the dedicated names and sponsor (optional) This year, for the new building, we'd like to purchase 36 new sets of Machzor's Sponsors: |
To dedicate, or to make a general donation, please click here
or call Rabbi Pesach & Chana Burston 845-782-2770, email [email protected]