Tot (Pre)Chanukah Party
For Kids Ages 1-5
Get your little ones into the Chanukah spirit!
You are invited to a Grand Tot Chanukah Celebration at the Kids Clubhouse
Exciting Activities Include:
Special Chanukah Arts & Crafts Project!
Face Painting
Chanukah Skit/Puppet show!
Parachute Games, Creative Play Zone
Dance and Sing along to fun Chanukah songs
Prizes and Dreidels!
Latkes with toppings
Doughnuts, drinks & more!
Kids Clubhouse
628 County Route 1 (Pine Island Turnpike)
Pine Island, NY
Sunday, December 10, 2006
1:00 – 3:00pm
$12 per child
RSVP by December 5th to Chana Burston at 845-782-2770 or E-mail [email protected]