
Yizkor Service

  • To register for Yizkor Service and/or to make a memorial donation, scroll down below 

    What is Yizkor?

    Yizkor is a special memorial prayer for the dearly departed. It is recited four times a year: On the last day of Passover, the second day of Shavuot, Yom Kippur and Shmini Atzeret (the last day of Sukkot). It is typically recited in the synagogue, in the presence of the Torah Scroll and a congregation.

    Yizkor, in Hebrew, means "remember." In this prayer, we implore G‑d to remember the souls of our loved ones who have passed on. When we recite Yizkor, we renew and strengthen the connection between us and our loves ones, bringing merit to the departed souls.

    How Yizkor is Observed

    LIGHT – a 24-hour Memorial Candle on eve prior to the holiday, before lighting Shabbat & Holiday Candles.  (Important note:  On Jewish holidays, light these candles from a pre-existing flame, as initiating a fire is prohibited on the holiday).  There is no blessing recited when you light the memorial candle, although it is certainly appropriate to reflect upon the memory of loved ones. The candle may be placed anywhere safe in the home.  (Candles are available at Chabad if you need).

    (Memorial Candle Meditation: Its flicker is an embodiment and expression of a verse in Proverbs, "The soul of man is the candle of G-d." As the flame reaches upward, so does the soul wish to rise and connect to its source. We reflect on keeping the warmth and spark of Judaism alive in our hearts and homes and how we will protect it from becoming extinguished). 

    RECITE & REMEMBER – recite the Yizkor Memorial Prayers and remember your loved ones by mentioning their names. It's best to use the Hebrew name and their mothers Hebrew name (if you have it).

    Typically, Yizkor should be recited in shul in the presence of the Torah Scroll. If that is not possible, it may be recited at home. (Click here for text).  (Kaddish, however, is only recited with a congregation). You may also submit names to Chabad to be read on your behalf during services. 

    CHARITY – It's customary to pledge a donation to charity in memory of the deceased. This is so that the memory of a loved one is immediately followed by and connected to a mitzvah. By giving charity, we are performing a positive physical deed on their behalf in this world, something that the departed can no longer do. The soul gains additional merit via the good deeds impacted through their memory.

    How much should one give? As a general rule, consider an amount you are comfortable giving, then add $18. Or give in multiples of 18. In Jewish tradition, the number 18 symbolizes life. This is because 18 is the numerical value of the word "chai," which means life. 

    May the remembrance of their souls bring them merit in heaven as well as continued legacy here on earth. May they prevail upon Hashem to be ambassadors upon high to bring us blessing, success, nachas, and prosperity – and good health to enjoy it! 

    If you have any questions, please always feel free to ask
    To learn more about Yizkor, click here

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